Diabetes and COVID-19 Vaccine

Unless your doctor advises otherwise, you should get the COVID-19 vaccine--especially if you have an underlying medical condition, like diabetes.

You are not more prone to catching COVID-19 if you have diabetes. But, if you become infected, then you are at risk of developing serious disease faster, says Gwendolyne Anyanate Jack, MD, MPH, assistant professor of medicine, Weill Cornell Medical College. Patients with diabetes mellitus 痂ay be at risk of suffering more severe complications, prolonged hospitalizations, greater mortality, and increased recovery time after theyre discharged from the hospital, Dr. Jack says.

This increased risk for complications occurs with both type 2 and type 1 diabetes, possibly because diabetes in general causes inflammation in the body, which COVID-19 intensifies. Diabetes also increases the likelihood for circulatory problems, which increase the risk for stroke, and which COVID-19 may also aggravate.

Protect Yourself & Stay Healthy

To protect yourself, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) urges you to:

  • Practice social distancing
  • Wear a mask that covers the nose and mouth 眨hen in public spaces, or 疳n the vicinity of others 眨ho do not live in your household
  • Wash your hands well and often (or use hand sanitizer if thats not possible)
  • Avoid large 畚rowds and unnecessary travel
  • Not touch 砰our mouth, nose, or eyes
  • Clean household surfaces regularly

Monitoring Your Health At Home

In the meantime, monitor your diabetes. This calls for staying in touch with your endocrinology or皰rimary care physicians, who can help you control your blood sugar, adjust your medications, and deal with any diabetes-related emergencies. Viral infections, including COVID-19, can increase blood sugar levels, which could lead to diabetic ketoacidosis, which requires prompt medical attention, Dr. Jack says. Patients need to work with their medical team to optimize glycemic control. That means following up regularly to ensure they are皋n the right doses of the right medications and following a tailored nutritional and exercise plan.

Thanks to telemedicine, you can consult with many physicians from the comfort of your home. You might also be able to upload and share your glucose data with your providers in advance of your appointment. If you plan to see your physician in person, then you may want to bring along your glucose monitoring device or data so you can review them with your physician, Dr. Jack advises.

If you dont feel comfortable leaving home, then you should keep at least 90-days worth of diabetes medicines, including insulin, on hand, says Laura Alonso, M.D., Chief of Endocrinology. We're recommending as much as three months of medication on hand, she says. Fortunately, some pharmacies offer home delivery, which is helpful if you fear going outside, Dr. Alonso adds.

Regular blood tests are important when you have diabetes. Some phlebotomy labs have implemented safeguards--like issuing appointment times--so that you wont have to wait online or among a crowd of people, Dr. Alonso says. There are also services that actually can draw your lab tests in your own home if it can be set up, she notes.

In the meantime, make sure to get a flu shot. Having both flu and the virus that causes COVID-19 could have disastrous results, Dr. Jack explains. We encourage and advise patients to get the 病lu vaccine 盎o they have as much protection as possible.胼

If you feel ill and think your symptoms could be COVID-19-related, then schedule a video visit with urgent care to determine if you need to be seen in person. If you are having any kind of symptoms that you think are worrisome and need to be evaluated in an emergency room, then dont hesitate to seek care, Dr. Alonso says.

And wherever you can, try to reduce your stress. Higher stress levels can affect diabetes and raise blood sugars, Dr. Alonso says. It can make it hard to make good choices with respect to the food you eat and taking medication, Dr. Alonso says. Try to stay physically active and connect by video with friends and family. I encourage everyone to maintain all of those connections that help us get through these difficult times.